Any company can submit an application to join the NAV Alliance, which offers three levels of membership: Promoter, Contributor and Adopter.
Promoters have the ability to participate in all aspects of the alliance, including voting on proposed specifications, sitting on the board and participating in, as well as chairing, task forces and working groups.
Contributors have the ability to participate in, as well as chair, working groups and task forces. In addition, contributor companies will have the right in the future to vote on one individual to represent the Contributor community on the board. Such decision will require being formalized by the board of directors of the Alliance.
Adopters gain access to alliance specifications and collateral before they become publicly available, participate in internal discussions about the alliance and have the opportunity to participate in alliance events such as interoperability demonstrations, plugfests and exhibits.
For more information on how to join the alliance, please visit the Become a Member section of our website.